Needs more work
You got talent, but you realy need to work on this to make it good.
Ok for a quick braging, crap in the long run. Better work more on it.
Needs more work
You got talent, but you realy need to work on this to make it good.
Ok for a quick braging, crap in the long run. Better work more on it.
Solid puzzle game.
Beat it it in under 2 hours.
Overal a great game with some challengeing puzzeles and a total of 30 puzzeles. The graphics of the cube was a litle to simple, but they surely worked perfectly and never glitched. I understand that they must be dynamicaly generated so I can relate that they tend to be very basic.
Too bad you didn't use all 6 sides of the cube. But 3 sides suerly worked for the puzzles(and most required them to 3 anyhow).
Good that the engine actualy checks if the game is solved insterad of comparing it to a set of predefined solutinos.
Great track, good gameplay.
It captures "the kill the player" thing from arcade games and makes it work on the pc.
My score: 1508.
Good worms clone
Great game.
The grapichs are great, it's good sticks not bad sticks
Ok sound
All the bugs and the bad ai lowers the int, but due to a savefeature it isn't 1
The ai is very funny.
Some bugs:
Granates gets stuck and so the match(if level is reloaded it's stuck, but not the match)
View command messes up if used while aiming
Ai shots at ground with the gun
The ai is also extremly bad when you are higher then it.
You migth want to add a mute option, per aplication soundlevels is not untill windows vista.
Come on!
That's patetic, you don't explain a thing! I do program, I don't use c or vbasic but i know that your "tut" stinks!
There is a reason this is #1. It rocks! Now make moooooore. Three bosses is just not enught! WE want more! WE want more! WE want more!
Now, how do you light the last bulb?
Don't expect me to cut you any slack, I say what I feel. If I think that something was done wrong, I will tell you, with or without manners. Just don't dare using video for the wrong reasons or write a bad actionscript "tutorial", I am not kind on those.
Age 36, Male
Joined on 9/10/04