You forgot the movie
You forgot to embed the video, meaning that the movie is not going to work. There is a runtime error telling that you even hardcoded the video path.
You forgot the movie
You forgot to embed the video, meaning that the movie is not going to work. There is a runtime error telling that you even hardcoded the video path.
Fixed the problem
Simple movie
It is simple, a short story, simple yet nice art, nothing that says bad, nothing that says awesome, just a nice little movie about a cat that is super.
Not very fun
While the concept itself has some potentional, the end result isn't fun at all. Stick to your normal stuff instead.
The animation was bad, the story was thin and the lack of sound hurt it a lot. Oh, and the pointless mouse cursor that covers the movie during playback sucked.
oh thanks for judging me as if i were a pro =__= because im not >:\ i appresiate the review, and im sorry it couldn't be more entertaining. i had only two weeks to get this done and because it was going to be displayed in front of a teacher who knocks off ten points off your semester grade for each bad word you say really put a limit on the room for creativity
i know the flash not having sound hurt, and im TRYING to find something that would fit, but i figured unfitting music would be even worse
and the mouse i agree was a bit pointless :\ but i like it, you could move it to the corner of the screen you know -___-''
but i do thank you for the review ^w^
It's not bad, but it's not exciting either. It does not tell a story, it does not have any action. The art was not bad, but it was boring. It was indeed stylish, but not to the level that is needed. The animation was ok, not noticeable. The music was ok and fit ok.
As for the execution, the play button did not work properly, it only started the sound for some strange reason, leaving a black screen. The sound was clearly not set to sync since this happened. You should have taken the 3 sec to set it to streamed instead.
Believe me, it took along time to figure out how to do the sound in this one. The reason why the first piece of music is not streamed is so that it can carry over multiple scenes.
Simple fun
There is no messy plot in the way of the simple slapstick here. Stuff happens and Hank is the guy that it happens to. The art is simple once again, but it works just fine as it is, simple. The sound effects worked well too.
Just bad
Even by clock crew standards, this is bad. There is no plot, the drawings is bad and the dialog is not even weird. This is not entertaining at all. Try having a script the next time. Oh, and but more than five minutes into the art.
Kinda fun
It's definitely B class material, but it has it's moments. It is not bad, but everything has plenty of room for improvements.
Don't expect me to cut you any slack, I say what I feel. If I think that something was done wrong, I will tell you, with or without manners. Just don't dare using video for the wrong reasons or write a bad actionscript "tutorial", I am not kind on those.
Age 36, Male
Joined on 9/10/04